Holt Hill is a fully let, operational, profitable real estate asset. Earn stable and secure income at a 300-basis point premium over 10-year government bonds.
Upside potential:
Issuer has signed a Head to Terms agreement to acquire the the asset at an 11% discount to fair value.
Strong fundamentals:
The federal government has launched a 30-year plan to transform infrastructure in the North, delivering a boost to the economy and creating thousands of jobs.
Growing opportunities:
The average price of a home in Merseyside rose 8% in the past 12 months, outperforming the UK average of 0.6%.
Wirral council is investing £1 billion to see more people visiting, living, and working in Birkenhead and stimulate economic growth. The plan is expected to bring 5,000 jobs and £250 million of inward investment.
Trusted corporate and asset management:
The asset is managed by an experienced board comprised of industry veterans with a history of generating quality returns for investors.
No asset management fee:
The asset manager is entitled to an incentive fee of 10% of total profits at exit.
Efficient structure:
No access, arranger, transfer, or broker fees. Investing with less middlemen means better returns for the investor.
Jersey’s 0% corporate tax rate means all residual cash flows go straight to investors.
Currency discount:
The Pound Sterling is at a 15-year low, presenting a substantial discount for international investors.
Liquid investment:
Sell your shares at any time without reliance on third parties.
Attractive region:
A search for value has led an increasing number of investors to look beyond London for opportunities. Close to 59% of the UK’s investment activity last year took place in the regions, its highest level since 2006. Investment highlights Property type:
Location: Multi-unit residential
50 (36 apartments, 4 townhouses)
Tranmere, Birkenhead, United Kingdom Investment summary Asset class