RIMS Monetary system is "A Truly Decentralized Democratic Ecosystem" that is built using root cloud as its underlying architecture. At RIMS, "Gold Standard" is the basic rule and it is backed by physical gold among other bullion.
The RIMS Network is in full compliance with governments and international bullion banking regulations. A secure operating process such as gold backing, valid /verifiable certifications, periodical audits by renowned third parties and comprehensive compliance program in the network will make the system safe and secure.
At RIMS, earnings per token come from a multifront. This physical bullion-backed Digital Monetary Network is perfectly blended with a P2P lending network; therefore, bullion assets in the system will monetize and reflect an appreciation for every token holder. Your bullion never sleeps at RIMS Monetary Network. We promise to take your Gold-Backed Digital Currency to the next level by widening the scope of the funds through easy-to-use RIMS platforms and ensure mass adoption. The primary mission of the network is to mitigate any risk and diffidence that is anticipated in the crypto and blockchain environment. While providing instant liquidity for bullion, it will also balance cash flow and spin-off dividend. The platform will offer several bullion based products and services along with a few white and private label solutions to banks, governments, and broader communities. RIMS Protocols is built to ensure mass adoption of Digital Bullion Currencies backed by physical bullion, namely XAU-GoldO, XAG-SilvO, and XPT-PlatO. This will reduce common bullion depreciations and is always on the move to monetize bullion assets in the network. The RIMS platform is built to reflect market gains for token holders. RIMS also adopts blockchain-based standard transactions for its system through international smart credit/debit cards for instant liquidity. RIMS Platform is built to revolutionize the way digital bullion currency and crypto coins are used in the current trade. An ambitious task of RIMS network is to ensure sustainable development by using globally available non-performing bullion assets. At RIMS, Gold never sleeps; it is always on the move to monetize bullion assets for the benefit of the society. The products and services of the network are built to prove this task.