Participate in the future sucess of Enercom, a company based in Liechtenstein which successfully combines the telecomunnication and the renewable energy sector.
We’ve set our position in the telecommunications sector by providing telecommunication-services at the highest standards even though advancing technology constantly changes the telecommunications space. But there is one constant within every industry which is the energy consumption and its production. The need for renewable energy will further increase during the next 100 years and therefore we decided to align our business towards this great opportunity.
The share of fossil fuel derived energy which needs to be replaced is astonishing. In order to give the next generations a chance to win the fight against the climate change we need to start changing the way we produce energy now.
Businesses around the world increasingly require energy from renewable sources to meet the social expectations and fulfil their responsibility towards the communities they are placed at.
Electric appliances steadily become more energy efficient. However, the the overall energy consumption keeps growing.
The advancing electrification of means of transportation for public usage and corporate logistics will be a key enabler for the reduction of CO2-emission both for businesses and private households. Transportation accounts for roughly one third of the world’s energy consumption. This shows the importance of creating renewable and climate neutral energy and thereby replacing the fossil fuels.