The world's first highly secure and permissioned blockchain infrastructure and ecosystem for fully compliant issuance, trading, clearing, settlement, management, reporting and corporate actions for digital securities worldwide.
Portfolio Management
Get the full and simplified view of all your investments, organized in one central location. View company information (including board and management team), scheduled meetings, voting opportunities (electronic/e-voting), send and receive messages. Categorized by holding type (shares, options, warrants, debentures, etc.), as well as designations such as public and private.
CapTable Management
Manage your capitalization table down to each transaction including the details and documents that are cross-linked to the individual security holder’s profiles. View the information in summary or by security type (shares, options, warrants, debentures, loans, promissory notes, SAFE/SAFT, etc.). Easily update data with the powerful bulk upload tool.
Minute Book
Keep bylaws, shareholder agreements, articles of incorporation and other business-critical documents in one secure location. Provide access to lawyers, auditors, shareholders and prospective investors, allowing consistent view across all parties.
Deal Room
Reach out to raise capital through our connected partners, without duplicating effort. With pre-populated term sheets stating the 3rd party’s document requirements up front, only complete forms will be submitted to financing sources. Maximize opportunities to raise capital through the participating fundraising platforms listed in the Deal Room. Find investors who are looking for opportunities such as yours.
Investor Relations
Communicate with investors and potential investors directly using KoreConX Investor Relations feature. Track shareholder engagement with the ability to view downloads and confirm opened messages. Generate reports sent directly from the platform, complete regulatory filings, contract facilitation and more. Set up, organize and run shareholder meetings, create e-voting items and track responses.
Transfer Agent
Manage and perform securities transfers without the wait, risk or cost. KoreConX’s SEC-registered Transfer Agent service combines simplified, efficient and secure security transactions. Require a transfer agent or just want someone else to manage your securities transactions, then you have found an inexpensive solution that provides, you and your investors, the transparency you never get from traditional transfer agents.